Bluebirds need homes due to a history of sharp decline in their population. In recent years many volunteers have taken an active role in creating nesting environments, monitoring bluebird houses, and establishing and maintaining bluebird trails. Learning more about this beloved bird and providing safe housing is a huge step towards helping to grow the bluebird count, plus, having a bird house so close to your home provides endless bird singing and pleasure for bird lovers!
Bluebirds are one of North America's most beloved birds, and one of many songbirds that have suffered declining populations. Bluebird numbers continue to decrease due to several reasons, including:
Each factor listed above has a direct impact on the bluebirds ability to find a nesting environment for their young. Bluebirds are secondary cavity nesters, which means they are incapable of creating their own cavities for dwelling. Without the natural cavities found in trees, and without the proper precautions to keep bluebird houses free of attacks, bluebirds can not survive without our help.
Bluebird Houses need to offer the following:
Specific hole opening dimensions:
Eastern Bluebirds: 1-1/2" - 1-3/8" at the largest
Western and Mountain Bluebirds: 1-9/16"
Overhangs for shade and protection from cats and raccoons
Eastern Bluebird Facts
Western and Mountain Bluebird Facts
Mountain Bluebird: The male is almost completely blue with the exception of a white belly, and the female is mostly gray with a touch of blue in her tail feathers and wings
Western Bluebird: The male's head, back, wings, throat and tail are bright blue, and a rusty underside spreads from the breast and sides to the upper back. Females are duller and more gray in color.
Bluebirds are insectivores, and will eat insects, worms, small spiders, grasshoppers, and crickets. Wildlife such as poison ivy, mistletoe, pokeweed, and berry bushes are the less preferred food for bluebirds, but they will use these to survive when insects are not available. Bluebirds will also eat raisins soaked in water, and mealworms. If you would like to offer food for your bluebirds, in addition to planting trees and shrubs that bear fruit, Platform Bird Feeders are a good option. Bluebirds will feed off platforms, and also like to eat off the ground.
Our top ten bluebird houses have become cherished favorites among customers for years!
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