Reg. Price: $122.99
You Save $43.00 (35% off)
Brass sundial features Brass with Verdigris finish options. Display garden sundials in gardens and yards and enjoy the passing of time. 11.5" diameter sundial uses the sun to keep track of the time and seasons.
Reviewed by robert s.
on Thursday, May 02, 2019
Father Time Brass Garden Sundial
Quality product. Looks great in my garden.
Reviewed by Carol G.
on Saturday, May 18, 2019
Father Time Garden Sundial
I love it in my yard. It's on a pedestal that I already had and looks great.
Reviewed by Linda S.
on Friday, November 02, 2018
Father Time Garden Sundial
I purchased the Father Time Brass Sundial. I placed the sundial on the stump of an oak tree we had just removed. I wanted something pretty and decorative for the garden. This sundial is beautiful! I love the verdigris finish. I have enjoyed looking at it from the kitchen window. I highly recommend this product and Yard Envy!
Reviewed by Keith M.
on Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Father Time Brass Garden Sundial
Extremely high quality! Well worth the money and far better than the junk you will find at any of the big box stores. This is an item my great-grandkids will be able to enjoy fifty years from now.